Customer Service

  • Johor Bahru, Malaysia
  • RM2,500-RM3,500++
  • Full-time

Job Description

  • Work Location / City:
    Johor Bahru
  • Job Title:
    Customer Service
  • Salary:
  • Gender:

Job Description

Working Location • Johor Bahru, Johor Job Description • Handle complaints and provide information about the company's products and services. • 处理投诉并提供有关公司产品和服务的信息。 • Addressing inquiries, resolving issues, and providing information through various channels such as phone, email, or chat. • 通告电话电子邮件或者通话等各种渠道回答客户的咨询和解决问题并提供正确的信息。 • Accurately recording customer information and keeping records of customer interactions is crucial. • 准确记录客户信息并保存客户互动记录。 • Must have good problem solving skills to handle customer complaints. • 必须具备良好的解决问题能力 以处理客户投诉并有效处理问题。 • Ensuring customer satisfaction is a primary goal. • 确保客户满意度是首要目标。 • Identifying opportunities to up sell other products and services. • 寻找机会推销其它产品和服务。 • Verify customer information and schedule monthly maintenance for improved filtration service. • 确认客户信息并安排每月的维护以改善过滤系统。 Requirements • Excellent Communication Skills. • 优秀的沟通技巧。 • Able to convey information clearly and effectively, both verbally and in writing. • 能够清晰有效地进行口头和书面的信息传达。 • Problem Solving Abilities. • 解决问题的能力。 • Capable of addressing and resolving customer issues in a timely and efficient manner. • 能够及时有效地解决客户问题。 • Empathy and Patience. • 同理心和耐心。 • Display genuine concern for customers and remain calm under pressure, especially when handling difficult situations. • 对客户表现出真诚的关心尤其是在处理棘手情况时保持冷静。 • Product/Service Knowledge. • 产品或服务知识。 • Strong understanding of the company’s products or services to assist customers accurately and confidently. • 深入了解公司的产品或服务以准确 、 自信地为客户提供帮助。 • Active Listening Skills. • 积极的倾听技巧。 • Adaptability. • 适应能力。 • Flexible in responding to different customer needs and adjusting to changes in procedures or company policies. • 灵活应对不同客户需求调整以适应程序或公司政策的变化。 • Time Management. • 时间管理能力。 • Manage multiple tasks and prioritize customer requests to ensure timely responses. • 能够同时处理多项任务并优先处理客户请求以确保及时回复。 • Team Collaboration. • 团队合作能力。 • Work well with colleagues across departments to ensure customer issues are resolved holistically. • 与跨部门同事良好合作确保全面解决客户问题。