Hai Di Lao Malaysia Sdn Bhd
- Open Jobs – 14
海底捞品牌创建于1994年,历经三十年的发展,海底捞国际控股有限公司已经成长为国际知名的餐饮企业。 截至2023年12月31日,中国大陆地区共有1351家海底捞餐厅 ,港澳台地区共有23家,整个大中华区的海底捞餐厅共计服务顾客超过3.97亿人次。 海底捞多年来历经市场和顾客的检验,成功地打造出信誉度高,融汇各地火锅特色于一体的优质火锅品牌。作为一个业务涉及全球的大型连锁餐饮企业,海底捞秉承诚信经营的理念,以提升食品质量的稳定性和安全性为前提条件, 为广大消费者提供更贴心的服务,更健康、更安全、更营养和更放心的食品。 The brand Haidilao was founded in 1994. With over 20 years of development, Haidilao International Holding Ltd. has become a world-renowned catering enterprise. By the end of June 30, 2023 ,Haidilao has opened 1360 chain restaurants in China. Over the years, Haidilao has withstood the challenges of the market as well as customers, and has successfully forged a quality hot pot brand which has earned a reputation for itself. Haidilao combines kinds of characteristics of hot pot in many places of China. As a large-scale chain catering enterprise with operations all over the world, Haidilao adheres to integrity in business. It gives the highest priority to continuously improving the quality and safety of its food products, providing more thoughtful services to its customers while delivering healthier, safer and more nutritious food.